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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How to Clean a House Like a Professional

Whether you're spring cleaning or doing your weekly cleaning, learn how to clean a house like a professional so your home stays clean all the time.

Cleaning is very rarely anybody's favorite activity, especially if you live with a family or roommates. Not only can cleaning be difficult at times, but it can also be stress inducing as well.

Perhaps you have thought of hiring professional cleaners at some point in your life, or you are thinking about it right now.

Thankfully, you may not have to! Sometimes, all it takes is a few helpful cleaning tips to keep your house sparkling and yourself sane. Learn how to clean a house like a professional to get a clean home without spending a lot of money.

How to Clean a House Like a Professional

Declutter Your Home

The less you have to clean, the easier it is to clean, right?   Even if you did hire a professional, you'd still have to declutter your home before they came over to clean.

I declutter in two different ways.  First, I purge items that I don't want.  The fewer things I have, the few things I have to clean or clean around.  I also declutter as in put things away.

When I clean a room, I take three baskets or boxes with me.  One for trash, one for donation, and one for things that don't belong there.  This keeps me on track and helps me declutter faster so I can clean.

Even if you hate cleaning, these 7 tips for people who hate cleaning will help you stay on track.

Use The Right Tools

You'll save time and frustration if you have the right tools for the job.  My living room has cathedral ceilings made of wood.  To say that dust collects in an understatement.

I put off buying new tools to clean it, but I finally invested in a cleaning set with a telescopic pole.  The one I got wasn't cheap, but it is convenient and will last me many years.

I love this set because it has three dusting attachments plus a window washer.  I can use it for the ceiling, the fan, and the high windows that are 14 feet in the air.

Keep Tools and Supplies Where You Need Them

Most professional cleaners keep their supplies in a caddy so they can move it from room to room.  I keep a small cleaning caddy under the sink.  I keep the common cleaners and a few cloths in it, then I can grab it to clean different areas.

I keep each bathroom stocked with its own set of cleaning supplies.  This comes in handy if you ever run out of supplies too since you'll have some in another room.

Wipe Down Their Sink Every Time They Use It

It is no secret that it is important to wipe down your sink regularly. Sinks can collect all the germs you washed off of your hands.

Additionally, the water that collects on and around your sink can leak down onto your floors, spreading dirt all around your bathroom and kitchen.

While wiping down our sink after every use may seem like a lot of work, and perhaps even a little tedious, but it can make a great difference in the cleanliness of your bathroom or kitchen.

Wiping down your sink not only keeps it dry, but it also removes all of the toothpaste, makeup, food products, or anything else that can take away from the clean look of your kitchen or bathroom.

I use a towel to wipe it down during the day.  Before I go to bed, I give it a quick wipe with a natural compostable cleaning wipe.

Disinfect Even The Smallest Items

It may surprise you to learn that sometimes the smallest items in the household are often the dirtiest. However, just think about the items that get the most use in your home: remotes, phones, and headphones can all contain copious amounts of germs.

Professionals often make it a part of their daily routine to sanitize these items once a day, usually before bed.

Remember: Disinfectant wipes are your friend! Use disinfectant wipes often to keep germs and bacteria off of the most used items and surfaces in your homes.

Tackle The Worst Jobs First

There are just some chores we hate doing, more so than the others. We procrastinate and put off these jobs only for them to get worse over time.

Professional cleaners have a simple rule: If the job will take less than 5 minutes, get it done first.

While putting off small chores may not seem like a big deal, all of those odd jobs add up over time. Eventually, you may be faced with a mountain of work that would have been much easier to do in 5 minute chunks.

For example, if cleaning the bathroom is your least favorite thing to do, do it first and get it over with.

Tackling even the worst of the small chores on your list first will decrease the likelihood that they get any worse, or pile up with other chores over time.

Deal With The Trash In The Morning

Dealing with trash can be one of the worst household chores. No one likes the stench or hassle of collecting, bagging up, and hauling out the garbage. This is made worse if there are a lot of people in your home, and the trash seems to be constantly collecting.

Professional cleaners, however, do not worry about the trash, because they tackle it first thing. Not only is taking out the trash much easier to do in the morning, before you get caught up in your daily routine, but it also affords the opportunity to collect more trash.

Trash can collect in many different parts of the home, especially in the refrigerator. Professionals recommend cleaning out your fridge in the morning, and disposing of any unwanted food. This way, all the bad and rotten food leaves the home with the trash before it can stink up your household.

Vacuum High Traffic Areas

It is probably no surprise that your floors contain copious amounts of dirt. This is made worse when living in a household with multiple people tracking dirt and grime throughout the house. To combat the dirt that builds up on your floors, professionals recommend vacuuming the high traffic areas in your home at least once a day.

Not only does this mean vacuuming living room carpets and hallway floors, but it may also mean vacuuming rugs and welcome mats, that can collect a lot of dirt over the course of the day.

Rugs and mats in particular help keep the dirt that enters the home trapped and prevent it from escaping into the air, but they have to be vacuumed regularly in order to work properly.

In Fact, Vacuum Everything

I have hardwood floors, but I still vacuum them with the beater bar turned off.  I use the crevice tool for the corners and under the furniture.

If I am planning on mopping, I still vacuum because it gets more dust than sweeping does.  Learn how to clean hardwood floors with vinegar.

I even use the wand on the vacuum to clean my curtains, couch, and above doorways where dust collects.

Learn how to reduce dust in your home.

Clean In The Light

Professionals recommend that all cleaning should take place between about 10 am and 3 pm. This way, you have the optimal amount of light that allows you to see the most amount of dirt.

Additionally, expert cleaners recommend opening up all the curtains and blinds possible, to let in as much light as possible.

Cleaning during daylight hours can also reduce stress, as it sets reasonable deadlines and keeps you from working all day long, which can quickly turn your mood sour.

Make Your Bed

When you make your bed, your entire bedroom will instantly look better.  You'll also feel more accomplished because you got one thing done for the day to make your home look good.

Establish a Routine

Cleaning is much easier when done in a routine. An organized cleaning plan can help to keep you motivated and on track, and reduce your workload. Professionals recommend keeping a weekly routine, and a room by room routine.

For example, when cleaning a room, start with the worst thing to clean. After that, the rest of the room is a whole lot easier.

Additionally, professionals recommend cleaning from top to bottom to maximize your efficiency. By cleaning from top to bottom, all of the excess dirt ends up on the floor to be swept up.

Professionals recommend building your routine from the ground up. Start with the most simple and frequent of chores, such as laundry and mopping, and add other chores when necessary. After about a month, you should have an idea of what chores need to be done and when which will maximize your efficiency.

If you have pets, learn more about how to keep your home clean when you have pets.

At the end of the day, cleaning is just not fun. However, with these tips, you can learn how to clean a house like a professional.

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How to clean your home like a professional. Get tips from the pro cleaners for a clean home.  How to keep a happy home with these hacks and habits for a clean house. Get good idea for deep cleaning your home. Learn how to keep a clean home with these expert tips. Find inspiration for keeping a clean home. #homemaking #cleaning #cleanhouse